Intelligent radiant heating system with Loxone
Intelligent radiant heating
system with Loxone
Individual room control made easy
Keep a refreshing 67° in the bedroom while it’s a comfortable warm 72° in the bathroom. Smart radiant floor heating can regulate itself automatically to reach the optimal temperature for each room.

Why does intelligent radiant floor heating control make sense?
By simply lowering the room temperature by 1º, it will be enough to save around 6% on energy costs.
For example, on a typical working day the living room will be actively used for 5–7 hours. During the hours while you are away, the smart home will know to lower the temperature. Intelligent radiant floor heating controls will start heating up so the room temperature will be reached at its desired time. This way, the inertia of the underfloor heating can be optimally compensated.
Die Vorteile einer smarten Heizungssteuerung mit Loxone
Ihr Smart Home ermittelt den genauen Heizbedarf im Haus und weiß, zu welchen Zeiten Sie an- oder abwesend sind. Ist niemand Zuhause, geht das Smart Home in den Sparbetrieb. Die Temperaturen werden hier möglichst günstig innerhalb des definierten Bereichs ohne aktivem Heizeinsatz geregelt. Sie können auch jederzeit von unterwegs Ihre Temperaturen einsehen und ändern oder vor der Heimreise vom Urlaub Ihr Zuhause aus dem “Tiefschlaf” holen.
Simple integration of
radiant heating systems
With the Loxone Valve Actuator, you can precisely control the energy flow in every room. No heating energy will go wasted. Loxone Air and Tree technology makes installation possible in just a few minutes.

There’s so much more to gain from automated room climate
Radiant floor heating controls is just a bonus. There’s even more possibilities for controlling heating while saving energy. Components interact room-to-room to create an unmatched living comfort.
– Special Tip –

Inspiration for your smart home
Whether you’re planning a new home or renovation, or maybe you’re just curious – you can find plenty of inspiration in our Welcome Home magazine. It’s full of tips and ideas. Plus, it’s free to download.