Sunshine Input

The Sunshine input is used to indicate whether or not the sun is shining.
It can be used in programming, for example in heating, air conditioning or shading applications.

The Sunshine input is available on the Weather Station Air, the Weather Station Tree, and the Loxone Weather Service.

Weather Station

The sunshine detection of the Weather Station is based on the brightness measured by the Weather Station.
The sun elevation is calculated using the geographical coordinates of the installation (project settings) and the time and date.

A threshold value is calculated from both values, since the brightness depends greatly on the angle of the solar radiation.

If the brightness is above the calculated threshold, the Sunshine input is active.

Examples of calculated thresholds (Setting: Default)
Sun Elevation Threshold Note
90° 86780 lx Sun at its highest point (zenith)
65° 74507 lx Noon in central Europe at summer solstice
42° 46555 lx Noon in Central Europe at equinox
18° 14057 lx Noon in central Europe at winter solstice
10° 5753 lx Sun is low


The sensitivity can be adjusted in the properties of the Weather Station under “Sunshine Threshold”.
Default +30% is the lowest sensitivity, the sunshine threshold is increased.
Default -30% is the highest sensitivity, the sunshine threshold is decreased.

If the Weather Station is installed facing a highly reflective surface (e.g. white building), a higher brightness value is measured and the sunshine detection is activated earlier. This can be corrected by setting the threshold a little higher, e.g. +15%.

Weather Service

The Sunshine detection of the Weather Service depends on the absolute irradiance value provided by the Weather Service.
The sun elevation is calculated using the geographical coordinates of the installation (project settings) and the time and date.

A threshold value is calculated from both values, since the irradiance depends greatly on the angle of the solar radiation.

If the irradiance is above the calculated threshold, the Sunshine input is active.

Examples of calculated thresholds (Setting: Default)
Sun Elevation Threshold Note
90° 512 W/m² Sun at its highest point (zenith)
65° 464 W/m² Noon in central Europe at summer solstice
42° 343 W/m² Noon in Central Europe at equinox
18° 158 W/m² Noon in central Europe at winter solstice
10° 89 W/m² Sun is low


The sensitivity can be adjusted in the properties of the Weather Service Sunshine input under “Sunshine Threshold”.
Default +30% is the lowest sensitivity, the irradiance threshold is increased.
Default -30% is the highest sensitivity, the irradiance threshold is reduced.