Heating and Cooling Controller

This block controls a Heating and/or Cooling source.
Depending on the requirements of the assigned Intelligent Room Controllers, it is decided whether the Heating or Cooling mode is active.

A Service Mode is available in the user interface to override the function block.

Table of Contents


Abbreviation Summary Description Unit Value Range
ϑo Outdoor Temperature If this input is not connected, the System Variable "Outdoor Temperature" is used. If this value is not available, the value -1000 is displayed. °
B Boost Activates Stage 2 immediately.
When in heating mode, output (Ah) is also enabled.
The name of the connected sensor is used in the user interface.
- 0/1
Off Off Pulse: Outputs are reset / switched off.
On: Block is locked.
Dominating input.
The name of the connected sensor is used in the user interface.
- 0/1
Ah Additional heating Activates output (Ah) when 1.
The name of the connected sensor is used in the user interface.
- 0/1
F Fan Activates output (F) when 1. - 0/1
Cfc Confirm filter change - 0/1
Ec Excess cooling Surplus or cheap cooling energy available
In cooling mode, Intelligent Room Controllers will overcool or allow premature start of cooling.
- 0/1
Eh Excess heating Surplus or cheap heating energy available.
In heating mode, Intelligent Room Controllers will overheat or premature start of heating will be permitted.
- 0/1
Mh Manual heating Activates Manuel Heating Mode when 1.
As long as (Mh) is active, the requirements of the Intelligent Room Controllers are ignored and the Heating operation is activated. e.g. For Hot Water Treatment.
Minimum run times are observed.
- 0/1


Abbreviation Summary Description Value Range
H Heating 0/1
H2 Heating stage 2 Activates Stage 2 of the heating source after time (Tt2s).
When Block is set to Type Heat Pump, the output is activated immediately when the outside temperature is below (ϑminS2).
C Cooling 0/1
C2 Cooling stage 2 Activates Stage 2 of the cooling source after time (Tt2s). 0/1
Ah Additional heating 0/1
Sv Switching valve Controls the switching valve. 0 = Heating, 1 = Cooling.
Only after the switching valve is in position (Vd), the outputs (H) / (H2) or (C) / (C2) are switched on.
This output is only visible in certain configurations.
F Fan Heat Pump: 1 when heating or cooling.
Oil / Gas: 1 when cooling.
Fc Filter change 1 when (Dfc) has expired. 0/1
ϑoa Average outdoor temperature Shows the average outdoor temperature of the last 48 hours.
The calculated value is available as soon as the first 24 hours have passed! Until then, the value -1000 is displayed!
AC API Connector Intelligent API based connector.
API Commands


Abbreviation Summary Description Unit Value Range Default Value
Mode Mode -1 = Heating and Cooling Controller is turned off.
0 = Automatic changeover based on the Intelligent Room Controller demands.
1 = heating only if there is sufficient demand.
2 = cooling only if there is sufficient demand.
- -1...2 0
MinHr Time minimum HVAC Runtime The minimum runtime must be met before switching to standby (All inputs OFF) or the opposite mode. Minimum openings of the room controllers are ensured. min 0
Sot Switch on threshold Average valve openings of the Intelligent Room Controllers must exceed (Sot) in order to start operation. % 0...100 30
Vd Valve delay Time required by the switching valve (Sv) to move into position.
This parameter is only visible in certain configurations.
s 0
Fod Fan Overrun Duration Overrun time of the fan after the end of heating/cooling to bring the residual energy out of the system. s 120
Don Duration for On Duration for ON pulse for (MaxTp). s 750
Doff Duration for Off Duration for OFF pulse for (MaxTp). s 180...∞ 300
MaxTp Maximum threshold for pulsing Maximum threshold for pulsing based on the valve opening percentage.
If the sum of the valve openings is smaller than this value, the Heating/Cooling outputs will pulse at intervals of (Don) and (Doff).
0 = Disables the timer.
% 0
Dfc Days until Filter Change 0 = Deactivated Days 0
Tt2s Time to second stage Delay before Stage 2 is enabled after the start of a heating/cooling cycle. min 60
ϑminS2 Minimum Temperature Stage 2 If the outdoor temperature is below (ϑminS2), Stage 2 is activated immediately. This parameter is only visible in certain configurations.
This parameter is only visible in certain configurations.
° -6
ϑminHP Minimum Temperature Heat Pump Minimum outdoor temperature required to operate the heat pump.
If the outdoor temperature (ϑo) falls below this value, only the auxiliary heating (Ah) is activated in heating mode, the outputs (H) / (H2) remain off.
This parameter is only visible in certain configurations.
° -22
Otm Outdoor Temperature Mode If enabled, the average outdoor temperature of the last 48h, next 48h or the current temperature is used to select heating/cooling mode according to (ϑLimH) and (ϑLimC).
If the value is not available, this parameter has no effect.
0 = Disabled
1 = Average Outdoor Temperature of the past 48h
2 = Value of the System Variable 'Expected Average Outdoor Temperatur 48h'
3 = Current Outdoor Temperature
- 0...3 2
ϑLimH Temperature Limit Heating If (Aot) is 1 and the average outdoor temperature is above (ϑLimH), the system will not switch to heating mode, even if there is a demand. ° 18
ϑLimC Temperature Limit Cooling If (Aot) is 1 and the average outdoor temperature is below (ϑLimC), the system will not switch to cooling mode, even if there is a demand. ° 15


Summary Description Default Value
Heating Type Type of the heat source -
Energy Costs(Heating) Costs for running this source. Sources that have been configured to be 'Expensive' will only be requested by room controllers if no sources with higher priorities are available. -
Energy Costs(Cooling) Costs for running this source. Sources that have been configured to be 'Expensive' will only be requested by room controllers if no sources with higher priorities are available. -
Assign room controllers Add or remove the Climate Controller as a source for individual Intelligent Room Controllers.
Further settings (Priority, PWM, etc.) can be made in the configuration dialog of each Intelligent Room Controller.


There are separate heating / cooling costs configured for each process Depending on these settings, the requests are sent to the block.

Decision heating / cooling process

The influencing factor for the decision is the sum of the requirements for all Intelligent Room Controllers in °m2 (Temperature difference Target / Actual Temperature * Room Size). Requirement types: heating, cooling, heating for rooms with movement, cooling for rooms with movement. The respective requirement types are only evaluated if the sum of the valve openings is greater than the minimum opening Rooms with movement are prioritized. For example, the cooling mode can be active although the sum of all heating requirements are greater because sufficient rooms with motion create a cooling request If "Average Temperature" is connected and its value is above (ϑLimC), then only Cooling requirements are considered. If the temperature is below (ϑLimH), only Heating requirements are considered. If the Temperature Threshold between (ϑLimC) and (ϑLimH) is the highest requirement then it will be used, otherwise only the required mode is used if the minimum request is reached. In Heating or Cooling only mode, operation is started when there is sufficient demand for the configured mode, otherwise the controller remains OFF.

Whenever outputs (H) or (C) have been switched off, a delay of 3 minutes is active in addition to (Fod) until they can be switched on again.

Excess heat or cooling

With the inputs (Eh) and (Ec), the room controllers are informed that there is surplus energy available or that a specific mode would be favorable. The room controllers are then allowed to go into preparation mode before the scheduled time. If the room controls are already in Comfort mode, they are allowed to overheat or overcool to the average between the two comfort temperatures. This function can be used in conjunction with solar / PV or off-peak hours to use favorable times for heating and cooling.