Config 15.3 Beta 2
- Touch Pure Flex Gen.2
- Valve Actuator Gen.2
- AC for LG
- BG-I32342: Home Connect added logging for rate limiting errors
- Fire- / Wateraalarm has statistics setting
- BG-I32414: Device Status set default focus to search bar
- Door and Window Monitor invalid text at output Txu
- Logging properties not shown when control has a referenced device
- BG-I32084: Windows & Status Monitor Wrong states when references from client were used
- BG-I32484: Touch Pure Flex brightness is disabled as soon as actor is used in visualization
- Presence detection tracker entry not clear enough when started by app
- Missing texts for new inputs of Window and Window Central
- BG-I32485: Invalid description for XAL Luminaire head caption
- BG-I32445: Safety reboot when Hint-Text contains %-characters
- BG-I32193: Miniserver watchdog reboot while statistics are fetched
- Touch Pure Air V3
- improved sensitivity (BG-I30552, BG-I29663)
- BG-I32480: Energy Flow Monitor Config dialog shows invalid items in rare cases
Auto Configuration
- BG-I32381: Table lamp in Shading blocks
- BG-I32380: House in Deep Sleep and Party not creating mode
Config 15.3 Beta 1
- Gardena Smart System integration
- read states and control your Gardena smart devices (SILENO mowers, irrigation control, sensors, …
- A3D9-T1348 Communication Monitor for AC Control
- Removed gentle mode from Valve Actuator Tree
- Added support for wave packet control to Dimmer Extension
- A3D9-T1391 Improved Auto Configuration
- Presence Simulation is an option you can choose
- Throughfares can have a presence block
- Improved descriptions for options
- Light moods ‘Relaxed Bright’ and ‘Creative’ no longer created
- Button 6 on Touch Nightlight toggles Night Mode and LED Status represents if Night mode active
- Water alarm does not call Fire Brigade
- Panic Alarm has Touches of Sleeping Room connected
- Air Devices used in Emergency Alarm automatically set to On/Off button behaviour
- Power Supply & Backup function block created even when not yet fully configured
- Adapted default values for Presence Sensors (volume (250 / 1000) and Presence Duration without movement (1800s))
- Air Devices which get connected to Long Click function block are automatically set to On/Off button behaviour
- Automatic Shades which don’t have yet a proper Dir parameter does not lock the app and can be still controlled
- Audio Master/Client get a configuration dialog when inserted
- A3D9-T1403 Meters Calculate Power from Meter Reading when no power is connected
- BG-I32214 configure device button in network device learning dialog was in wrong state initially
- BG-I32308 HTTP body gets truncated when https request has no content length (virtual outputs, virtual http inputs)
- BG-I32302 Media Controller didn’t switch to a mode on power-on when there was never a mode set before (first use)
- BG-I29112 NFC Authentication auth via App not working with Two-Factor
- BG-I32232 Text Generator Connecting Uid outputs of Wallbox and NFC Authentication did not automatically connect to Uid input
- LiveView activates when Miniserver state changes
- BG-I32067 Custom Object-Permissions get lost when copy/pasting controls
- BG-I32296 Connecting multiple actors at once does not work via Connection-Window
- BG-I32411 Display Echo command on light controller is not as long active as before which breaks custom logic
- Hoermann Air commands not sent to device
- Some Air-Devices can’t be added
- Some diagnosis inputs are visible per default when learning the device via app
- BG-I32108 Internal Api commands visible in Flex Api Generator Dialog
- BG-I29892 NFC Authentication Value not verified in Config for parameter “Bbr”
- BG-I31907 NFC Authentication Wrong tooltip shown for inputs
- BG-I32200 NFC Authentication Connecting input via (+) does not always connect it to a correct input
- BG-I32189 NFC Authentication Dialog wrong output prefix ‘Q’ when output connected to outputs O1-O6
- BG-I31943 Status Monitor no check for invalid characters which could break structure file of app
- No info in caption bar when client Miniservers are not yet ready
- BG-I32101 Sequence Controller spaces get lost when concatenating text elements
- BG-I32012 App-Device-Search Tree of Intercom not shown
- BG-I31917 App-Device-Search missing switchboard-options for extension-search results
- BG-I31918 App-Device-Search Link Devices not replaceable
- BG-I3215 Multiple connections between same connectors possible
- BG-I31980 Presence Control delay activation via Touch Flex to avoid concurrent commands
- BG-I31830 Miniserver Gen.1 does not get an IP address from DHCP when it takes too long to answer (Increased timeouts)
- BG-I32053 Home Button not translatable
- Connection reference can be moved by selecting other objects
- BG-I31930 Insert of Audio devices not always enabled
- BG-I31148 HealthCheck got stuck in endless loop when executing diagnosis on Miniserver Compact with no stereo extensions connected
- BG-I32094 main menu in Project Management view is cutoff on small screen resolutions
- BG-I31910 when loading a project directly from Exosphere cancel didn’t always work as expected
- BG-I31174 reapply active filters when DeviceStatus data is updated
- BG-I32158 improved scrolling in MyProjects view
- Removed info message box when creating a trust
- Remanence of Analog memory not active per default
- No changes warning when trying to save to Miniserver and there are changes for a Trust
- BG-I31938 Statistics sent to app contain a duplicate entry on month change
- Text Inputs can’t be set via post webservice
- Touch Pure Flex LiveView cannot properly display ° sign
- BG-I31936 Config Tooltip shows device as offline when it just has come back online
- BG-I31982 T5 causes a new edge when closing view after controlling it via LiveView
- BG-I31979 State Text condition not working when a text is set
- BG-I31852 Renaming Intercom Gen.1 with a number does not work
- Spread up send of statistics mail among Miniservers so that not all send at the same time
- BG-I31957 Connecting with dns.loxonecloud.com/{serial} as address throws an error
- BG-I20837 Internorm analogue sensor shown as if correction is active in LiveView
- BG-I31936 Config Tooltip shows device as offline when it just has come back online
- BG-I32299 Smart TW Dali actor shows not-supported fade rate in settings
- BG-I31870 Daylight Responsive Lighting step size can be larger than defined maximum steps
- BG-I31976 Light-Circuits configured as Switch are handled as analogue for connected Trackers, Loggers,…
- BG-I32365 Config crash when searching for AC
- BG-I32041 Miniserver starts emergency program after a freshly formatted SD card
- BG-I32150 Miniserver has a watchdog reboot when flushing statistics (e.g. at midnight)
- BG-I32168 Config crash when creating Undo
- BG-I32173 Config crash after changing room
- Config crash when setting a serial which is already used
- BG-I31939 Config crash when window control is connected to IRC
- Config crash when setting a serial which is already used
- BG-I31939 Config crash when window control is connected to IRC
- BG-I32154 Config crash when changing IRC template
- BG-I32217 AC does not use adapted target temperature when Eh/Ec is active
- Intelligent Room controller doesn’t validate mode set by app based on capabilities
- BG-I32103 Heating and cooling control Calculation of visualization is not correct
- BG-I31770 Blocked Room controllers are not visible in Heating and Cooling Controller after reboot
- BG-I31959 Mode “Fixed Setpoint” reset after saving into miniserver
- BG-I32073 Heating and Cooling Controller set to Auto via app does not adapt parameter-value
- BG-I31770 Blocked Room controllers are not visible in Heating and Cooling Controller after reboot
- BG-I31959 Mode “Fixed Setpoint” reset after saving into miniserver
- BG-I32103 Heating and cooling control Calculation or visualization is not correct
- Wallbox Tree/Air:
- try using the workaround solution to wake up vehicles that have fallen asleep.
- (Air): Wallbox Air not responding when not charging
- Touch Air
- Sometimes not sending temperature/humidity
- Dimmer Extension
- BG-I32029 Dimmer Extension restarts when there are unconfigured outputs
- RGBW Dimmer Air / Tree
- Adapted dimming curve to old behaviour
- BG-I32277 Audio channels visible when using stereo group
- Off does not lock TTS
- BG-I32035 Forward Lock-State to app
- BG-I32341 Music Player shows Airplay/Spotifiy settings in Expert Mode when managed by Playergroup
- BG-I32340 Send Room Favorite Priority as individual command when changed via Expert Mode
- BG-I32162 Audioservers which will not allow pairing shown in search-dialog
- BG-I32087 Trust IOs created in inheriting project inserted on wrong parent
- BG-I32086 Can’t permit users to Trust IOs
- BG-I28670 Internorm Monitor does not display anything when button is pressed
- BG-I31864 Device information contains duplicate data
- BG-I31560 Fetch of def.log from client via device status does not always work
- Spot Price Optimizer may use intervals further in the future instead of earlier ones when the price is the same
- BG-I32278 Wallbox Enable state and target power not correctly sent when managed by Wallbox Manager
- BG-I31135 Wallbox Meter reading input reset when receiving data from device
- BG-I30324 Default name for Total Meter of Power Supply & does not fit Control-name
Auto Configuration
- BG-I32204 Humidity and CO2 does not get connected to IRC
- App has no information when user was disabled by Trust source
Config - Release Candidate
- Config crash when setting a serial which is already used
- BG-I31936: Config Tooltip shows device as offline when it just has come back online
- BG-I31939: Config crash when window control is connected to IRC
- BG-I31770: Blocked Room controllers are not visible in Heating and Cooling Controller after reboot
- BG-I31959: Mode “Fixed Setpoint” reset after saving into miniserver
- BG-I32029: Dimmer Extension restarts when there are unconfigured outputs
- BG-I32103: Heating and cooling control – Calculation or visualization is not correct
- Adapted dimming curve of RGBW Dimmer Air & Tree to old behaviour
- BG-I32154: Config crash when changing IRC template
Config - Release Candidate
- A3D9-T1330 Hunter Douglas Power View 3 Support
- Supports Hunter Douglas Gen. 2 and Gen. 3
- New Analog Output TPos (0..100) for Shading Block
- A3D9-T1347: Ac Unit Controller: Added History
- DALI Extension: DALI2 support for DALI Extension with HW Id 4
- A3D9-T1344: Support for Sending Error Codes to Backend
- A3D9-T1339: Support for Reporting Wallbox Model properly
- A3D9-T1338: Support for Reporting Serial number and Firmware Version
- A3D9-T1337: Support for Remote Start/Stop Transactions
- A3D9-T1320: Exo plugin v1.1.0
- Send control statistics to Exosphere
- “onboarding” from Config using provisioning code
- A3D9-T1371 Setting icon for objects in periphery tree is now displayed instead of normal icon for better accessibility
- Added Wever & Ducré Light Tree
- A3D9-T1388: Audio Volume Fading
- A3D9-T1250: Garage/Gate Central: Added “Partially Open” Input
- A3D9-T1336: Audioplayer: Added Bluetooth pairing output
- A3D9-T1335: Parameters can now be added as a Combo Box
- A3D9-T1335: Changed Parameters to Combo boxes in some blocks
- Gate controller Severity of system messages set to important so that a push will be sent
- Valve Actuator Tree: new default operation mode: “gentle mode”
- If activated, the valve actuator moves to 5% instead of 0% to reduce wear, with every 20th command it will still move to 0% to prevent drift.
- Disabling this mode reverts the actuator to its original behaviour, where 0% commands result in 0% movement.
- BG-I30796 NFC Code Touch Block: Deleting all entries is now possible
- BG-I30795 NFC Code Touch Block: CSV Template now uses the time formats of system locale
- Planning:
- Added new NFC Smart Cards
- Added context menu to Health Check to select items in periphery tree
- Auto Configuration
- Support for Hunter Douglas
- A3D9-T1393: Message Center: showing recent messages with thumbnails and added possibility to delete messages
- A3D9-I10: Audio Diagnosis performs basic network checks and serial verification for offline Audioservers
- Cloud Services are reported as inactive when request fails
- Auto connect to Miniserver does not use addresses from project
- BG-I31336 Virtual HTTP input can’t be fetched in config when using only a username and no password
- Settings of Alarm Siren Tamper input not correctly set for new devices
- Import of User can’t parse NFC tag when it contains quotes
- Connection to Miniserver fails and no message is generated
- Analog Sensor not directly displayed as offline anymore after a Miniserver restart
- RC Key view dialog setting suggests editing
- Miele token timeouts resulting in a re-login
- NFC Codes stop working when updating from an older version
- BG-I31023 OCPP Wrong formatting in Description of server address setting
- BG-I30924: Fixed Config crash when creating Belimo Devices
- BG-I25014: Missing/invalid entries in Belimo Monitor
- BG-I31367 Gusts of weather service not working on client/gateway
- BG-I31350 Add of Miniserver to a Gateway does not preselect an external address
- BG-I27375 RS485 call command
- BG-I25234 RS485 does not receive more than 512 characters
- Row in Generic View (e.g. Miniserver search) shown as selected but not actually selected
- BG-I31297 Periphery tree jumps when editing an item
- BG-I31339 All Plugin actors (e.g. Home Connect) are set on a reboot instead of only the used ones
- BG-I30868: Expert Mode: Users with direct access to control can’t select all available rooms
- BG-I31149: Permission Dialog shows wrong data after changing room of control
- BG-I30896: Automatic-Designer conditions for NFC-text outputs only triggered once
- BG-I30928: Energy Meter Tree: Add sensor-information to tree monitor
- BG-I31025 Virtual Input stayed red after changing Min/Max
- BG-I31142 Central Controls: ‘Off’ in combination with DisPc permanently blocks configured controls
- BG-I31196 Invalid or missing options for AC Unit Controller in automatic designer
- BG-I31144 Equal block ON because of rounding error
- BG-I30969 Too long control commands to a client may file (e.g. editing schedule block which is on a client)
- Older version can’t be installed over newer version of Loxone Config
- BG-I20283 Online status not monitored system message gets shown
- BG-I30784 Monoflop getting stuck on On
- BG-I30815 New documents don’t have country set, resulting in wrong preselected air channels
- BG-I31100 Selection gets lost, when pasting multiple controls
- BG-I31036 fixed slightly mismatching font-size between App and Config in system schematic
- BG-I30976 ensuring that HTML entities are encoded to Unicode for display in MessageCenter
- BG-I31037 System Schematics: fixed handling for moving of items and scrolling of view by keyboard
- BG-I30382 Login with Loxone account in Config wasn’t possible if username/password contained ‘+’ sign
- A3D9-T1331 Improved some bugs with the auto positioning
- BG-I30786 Window Block not closing if Weather Protection input is on and miniserver restarts
- BG-I30854 Fetch of backup file list from devices fails occasionally
- Connection to Miniserver cant be established sometimes when connecting out of keychain
- Invalid Jsons when values are invalid
- Cloud Mailer continues to send emails despite quota already reached
- Plugin has high memory usage
- NCF Authentication: new authorization request sent when another authentication is in progress
- Wallbox: not all states sent to Plugin after reboot
- BG-I26940: Detailed Device Information for some AIR devices is not working
- CloudDNS request is now done with HTTPS and in a more general manner
- BG-I31630: Gate Controller has wrong options for type
- BG-I31631: IRC is shown as unconfigured in project analysis when only AC Controllers are connected
- BG-I31632: AC Central Controller is shown as an error in project analysis
- BG-I31586: Automatic Designer: missing translations for Heating and Cooling Controller
- BG-I31471: App Search tree: keep search results after automatic end of search
- Miniserver configuration dialog shows wrong current address, when connected externally
- BG-I31345: Certain values can’t be set via expert mode on some settings
- BG-I31507: IR sensors can’t be controlled via LiveView
- BG-I31346: System schematic has a visualization password setting
- BG-I31523: NFC Tag not exporting when exporting users (only first tag will be exported)
- Single click on text ‘Edit…’ in property window does not open the edit dialog
- BG-I31399: Hörmann Air: Invalid visibility of travel duration parameters
- BG-I31595: Config locks up when dragging a constant to a parameter
- BG-I31599: Connecting from Miniserver Keychain does not use project data when internal and external address is empty
- BG-I31375: Message Center view was incorrectly hiding some messages in some situations
- Certificate fetch on Miniserver Gen.1 not retried fast enough
- BG-I31658: Update of internal Audioserver on Miniserver Compact fails
- BG-I31400: Normal Config search can’t find objects with diacritics
- BG-I31667: ‘Delay after start’ setting is not used on Burglar alarm, when before the reboot a sensor was active
- BG-I31757: Io names not displayed depending if the category or room is set
- BG-I31761: Miniserver Replace does not properly create a backup anymore
- BG-I25252: New-Device-Bubble in Gateway documents shows wrong or no data
- User management dialog does not have a proper title
- Tooltip in Tree does not always show a text when colour of item is not green
- Selection in User management dialog jumps when a Username gets edited
- Users and Groups in User management dialog not properly sorted
- Dialog does not open centred on the screen
- Connection reference shown as active, when connected to API output
- Error message when saving to Miniserver
- BG-I31707: MIN/MAX Commands not handled in Sequence Controller
- BG-I31460: Miniserver search dialog showed encrypted Exo credentials, instead of asking user for master password for decryption
- BG-I31483: items in system scheme view couldn’t be aligned properly after changing the scale of the image
- Fixed data loss in interprocessor communication for Miniserver Go Gen2, Miniserver Compact, Miniserver Gen2
- BG-I31615: Intercommunication learn dialog didn’t update count column on package reception
- BG-I30183: DALI single actuator (not group) min dim level does not work as described
- BG-I29018: DALI 8 fade rate jump not working with daylight control
- BG-I28842: Dali lamp -> Online in the periphery tree Offline in the device status
- BG-I28606: Device Status Dali Devices shown as offline
- BG-I27520: Periphery Tree Dali Device shown with red dot
- BG-I25345: Human Centric Lighting Dali DT8 parameter Ft causes last manual change to get stuck
- BG-I25237: Dali offline device replace function
- BG-I30304: DALI groups not working on firmware
- BG-I29042: Dali Air does not send all commands
- BG-I31569: Light controller displays no states after disconnecting output
- Fixed Miniserver crash when DALI Broadcast Actor is used
- Fixed DALI Min/Max brightness settings for Smart Actuators
- BG-I31275 Wrong Master/Client count calculated
- BG-I31055 Energy Meter type for Wallbox Meter incorrect
- BG-I31191 Power usage of extensions does not match datasheets
- BG-I31251 Stereo Extension has a colour setting
- BG-I31377 Auto Save of project may interrupt opened dialogs
- BG-I31477 Config crash when opening Backup/Update dialog
- BG-I31391 Config crash
- Config crash when loading Touch Pure Flex configuration
- BG-I31360 Config crash when opening project
- Config crash when connecting to Miniserver via search
- Config crash when loading from Multiplicator Miniserver
- BG-I31099 Miniserver reboot when Dali group actor changes
- BG-I31099 Miniserver reboot when Dali group actor changes
- BG-I31056 Config crash when opening Multiplicator file with a deleted climate block
- BG-I29486: Increased stability of Loxone Config when saving large project files
- BG-I31626: Config crash when opening project
- BG-I31705: Miniserver reboot when receiving text memory changes from another Miniserver
- BG-I31228: Watchdog Reset while creating Backup via /dev/sys/createbackup
- AC Unit Controller Silent Mode overrides manual timer
- AC Unit Controller timer not properly remanent
- BG-I31459 Weatherserver does not have data anymore of previous hours (needed for weather data with absolute hour set)
- Learning per default disabled on IRC but room presets overwrite that preset
- BG-I31019 Flow Temperature Calculator not having a hysteresis for calculation with buffer temperature
- BG-I31223 Ac Control: do not cancel timers when ending silent mode
- BG-I31057 Fixed race condition in copying IRC data
- BG-I31198 Intelligent Room controller: allowed Range for Input ϑExc not documented
- BG-I31170 Mixing Valve Controller: improved description of Error-Output
- AC Unit controller now has a settings-state for the app, which enables the app to faster display the settings page
- AC Unit Controller: Silent Mode not working when set to Off and AC is controlled by IRC
- Text in IRC dialog cut off
- IRC is blinking when dragging an AC Control Air onto the page
- BG-I31312: Remove cyclic mode message to device
- BG-I31266: AC Control does not update IRC-Data after lock
- BG-I31369: Hvac controller triggers prepare phase without excess heating/cooling
- Intelligent Room controller: invalid target temperature when using excess heating/cooling in eco mode + Fahrenheit
- Intelligent Room controller: Single comfort temperature not always converted to Fahrenheit
- BG-I31581: Shown weather in the app starts at the start of the day instead of current time
- BG-I31398: Fixed incorrect translation in Mode-dropdowns for Heating/Cooling Controller and AC Central
- BG-I31686: Old weather entry is shown in the app
- BG-I31381: Invalid Device type for AC Control Toshiba in device information response
- BG-I31751: Heating & Cooling Controller / HVAC controller does not calculate average temperature when locked
- BG-I31771: Intelligent Room Controller: expensive source used even if prioritized less
- BG-I31628: AC Central Controller is wrongfully shown as cause in AC/IRC History
- BG-I31719: AC Unit Controller: change on parameter not immediately applied
- BG-I30203: Invalid calculated position when using Nano2Relay
- BG-I31123: Automatic Shading: Missing history-elements when calculating shading period
- BG-I31378: Parameters don’t disappear anymore when shading type is changed
- Gentle Mode for Valve Tree only active if user hasn’t manually increased force
- R20-T287 Dimmer Extension: Refactoring for better ZX Detection and more stable with ripple control signals
- Relaxed Extension update error system message
- Dimmer Extension adapted dim curve to older version
- Miniserver Compact Audio is shown as offline after a reboot
- Compact Audio not shown as rebooting directly after a restart
- BG-I31060 Setting “Automatic highpass-filter” not shown on Audioplayer when connecting Audioserver-Stereo-Output
- BG-I31101 Wrong resolved address of Audioserver sent to the App resulting in slow connection process
- BG-I31587: Permanent OFF of Audio Central not properly forwarded to Music Player
- Music Player Group + Central Music: Volume command sent when saving into Miniserver
- Modbus Monitor shows device ID 0 when server is offline
- Select per default the Tree view in the Health Check
- BG-I31048: No proper error message when air route could not be queried from Miniserver
- Client shown as offline even if its back online again
- BG-I31610: Can’t add client to gateway, when https is not working or disabled
- BG-I31560: File fetch (e.g. def.log) from a client is rather slow
- BG-I31007 Spot Price Optimizer Cv Output is now rounded at 3 decimal places
- The buffer target temperature offset ‘B’ now will be used as hysteresis
- If the actual buffer temperature rises above the buffer target temperature (AQf + B) the pump (Qp) will be activated
- If it falls below the target flow temperature (AQf) the pump will be deactivated again
- BG-I30937 Wallbox2 Mr output not incremented after Energy Meter Tree wasn’t used anymore and only Cp Input is connected
- BG-I30929 Energy Manager Output not being correctly displayed as Analog/Digital if Priorities are changed
- BG-I30989 Load Manager Settings are not updated when operating mode is changed
- BG-I31394: Wallbox Off input does not reset Cac output
- BG-I31652: Wallbox2 standby consumption included in next charge
- BG-I31193: OCPP Charging Session not resumed when charging allowed output of Wallbox was off
- BG-I31473: OCPP EV Connection Timeout did not disable charging allowed on Wallbox
- BG-I31472: OCPP local billing would get lost after “remote stop” was used
- BG-I31197: OCPP Rejected authorization from OCPP when starting charging via App displayed wrong, local billing lost
- OCPP connection to unsecure OCPP backend via ws:// not possible
- OCPP Charging point would not connect if Wallbox function block had no Tree devices connected
- OCPP Charging point would not pass Selfcheck in some cases
- OCPP Suspended EV/EVSE not sent
- OCPP Authentication after Miniserver reboot caused multiple authentication requests
- OCPP Charging Point not displayed as dummy device in some cases
- BG-I31535: OCPP Chargepoint API Connector does not automatically connect to Wallbox and Authentication NFC Code Touch function block
- OCPP Meter values: Timestamp of meter value was sent instead of current timestamp which caused problems on OCPP backend
- OCPP Reset: Charging station model and serial number not properly sent after soft and hard reset
- OCPP Changing TxUpdateInterval not possible and changes not persistent
- OCPP Transactions not restarted after power outage in rare cases
- Client Miniserver can be added
- BG-I31039 Trust search does not work externally
- BG-I31745: Config crash when editing intercommunication setting
- BG-I31752: When trying to takeover users from Trust Manager, always Manager takeover is preselected
- BG-I31382: Miniserver does not respond to requests on the devices BACnet port
Auto Configuration
- Undo not properly saved before doing Auto Configuration
Home Connect
- BG-I31527: Oven can’t be added when it does not support the preheating program
- Slowed down requests when having a lot of devices, to prevent rate limiting by API
Project Planning
- BG-I30973 Master/Client not having a need for power
- Plugin has high memory usage
- NCF Authentication: new authorization request sent when another authentication is in progress
- not all states sent to Plugin after reboot
Config 15.2 Beta 3
A3D9-T1393: Message Center: showing recent messages with thumbnails and added possibility to delete messages
A3D9-T1320: Exo plugin v1.1.0
Send control statistics to Exosphere
“onboarding” from Config using provisioning code
Added Wever & Ducré Light Tree
A3D9-T1388: Audio Volume Fading
- BG-I31375: Message Center view was incorrectly hiding some messages in some situations
- Certificate fetch on Miniserver Gen.1 not retried fast enough
- BG-I31658: Update of internal Audioserver on Miniserver Compact fails
- BG-I31400: Normal Config search can’t find objects with diacritics
- BG-I31667: ‘Delay after start’ setting is not used on Burglar alarm, when before the reboot a sensor was active
- BG-I31757: Io names not displayed depending if category or room is set
- BG-I31761: Miniserver Replace does not properly create a backup anymore
- BG-I25252: New-Device-Bubble in Gateway documents shows wrong or no data
- User management dialog does not have a proper title
- Tooltip in Tree does not always show a text when colour of item is not green
- Selection in User management dialog jumps when a Username gets edited
- Users and Groups in User management dialog not properly sorted
- Dialog does not open centred on the screen
- Connection reference shown as active, when connected to API output
- Error message when saving to Miniserver
- BG-I31707: MIN/MAX Commands not handled in Sequence Controller
- Dimmer Extension adapted dim curve to older version
- BG-I31048: No proper error message when air route could not be queried from Miniserver
- BG-I31751: Heating & Cooling Controller / HVAC controller does not calculate average temperature when locked
- BG-I31771: Intelligent Room Controller: expensive source used even if prioritized less
- BG-I31628: AC Central Controller is wrongfully shown as cause in AC/IRC History
- BG-I31719: AC Unit Controller: change on parameter not immediately applied
- OCPP Meter values: Timestamp of meter value was sent instead of current timestamp which caused problems on OCPP backend
- OCPP Reset: Charging station model and serial number not properly sent after soft and hard reset
- OCPP Changing TxUpdateInterval not possible and changes not persistent
- OCPP Transactions not restarted after power outage in rare cases
- Music Player Group + Central Music: Volume command sent when saving into Miniserver
- BG-I31745: Config crash when editing intercommunication setting
- BG-I31752: When trying to takeover users from Trust Manager, always Manager takeover is preselected
Config 15.2 Beta 2
- A3D9-T1344: Support for Sending Error Codes to Backend
- A3D9-T1339: Support for Reporting Wallbox Model properly
- A3D9-T1338: Support for Reporting Serial number and Firmware Version
- AutoConfiguration
- Support for Hunter Douglas
- BG-I26940: Detailed Device Information for some AIR devices is not working
- CloudDNS request is now done with HTTPS and in a more general manner
- BG-I31630: Gate Controller has wrong options for type
- BG-I31631: IRC is shown as unconfigured in project analysis when only AC Controllers are connected
- BG-I31632: AC Central Controller is shown as an error in project analysis
- BG-I31586: Automatic Designer: missing translations for Heating and Cooling Controller
- BG-I31471: App Search tree: keep search results after automatic end of search
- Miniserver configuration dialog shows wrong current address, when connected externally
- BG-I31345: Certain values can’t be set via expert mode on some settings
- BG-I31507: IR sensors can’t be controlled via LiveView
- BG-I31346: System schematic has a visualization password setting
- BG-I31523: NFC Tag not exporting when exporting users (only first tag will be exported)
- Single click on text ‘Edit…’ in property window does not open the edit dialog
- BG-I31399: Hörmann Air: Invalid visibility of travel duration parameters
- BG-I31595: Config locks up when dragging a constant to a parameter
- BG-I31599: Connecting from Miniserver Keychain does not use project data when internal and external address is empty
- BG-I31123: Automatic Shading: Missing history-elements when calculating shading period
- BG-I31378: Parameters don’t disappear anymore when shading type is changed
- BG-I29486: Increased stability of Loxone Config when saving large project files
- BG-I31626: Config crash when opening project
- BG-I31705: Miniserver reboot when receiving text memory changes from another Miniserver
- BG-I31569: Light controller displays no states after disconnecting output
- Fixed Miniserver crash when DALI Broadcast Actor is used
- Fixed DALI Min/Max brightness settings for Smart Actuators
- Intelligent Room controller: Single comfort temperature not always converted to fahrenheit
- BG-I31581: Shown weather in the app starts at the start of the day instead of current time
- BG-I31398: Fixed incorrect translation in Mode-dropdowns for Heating/Cooling Controller and AC Central
- BG-I31686: Old weather entry is shown in the app
- BG-I31381: Invalid Device type for AC Control Toshiba in device information response
- BG-I31382: Miniserver does not respond to requests on the devices BACnet port
- BG-I31587: Permanent OFF of Audio Central not properly forwarded to Music Player
Auto Configuration
- Undo not properly saved before doing Auto Configuration
- BG-I31610: Can’t add client to gateway, when https is not working or disabled
- BG-I31560: File fetch (e.g. def.log) from a Client is rather slow
- BG-I31193: OCPP Charging Session not resumed when charging allowed output of Wallbox was off
- BG-I31473: OCPP EV Connection Timeout did not disable charging allowed on Wallbox
- BG-I31472: OCPP local billing would get lost after “remote stop” was used
- BG-I31197: OCPP Rejected authorization from OCPP when starting charging via App displayed wrong, local billing lost
- OCPP connection to unsecure OCPP backend via ws:// not possible
- OCPP Charging point would not connect if Wallbox function block had no Tree devices connected
- OCPP Charging point would not pass Selfcheck in some cases
- OCPP Suspended EV/EVSE not sent
- OCPP Authentication after Miniserver reboot caused multiple authentication requests
- OCPP Charging Point not displayed as dummy device in some cases
- BG-I31535: OCPP Chargepoint API Connector does not automatically connect to Wallbox and Authentication NFC Code Touch function block
- BG-I31394: Wallbox Off input does not reset Cac output
Home Connect
- BG-I31527: Oven can’t be added when it does not support the preheating program
- Slowed down requests when having a lot of devices, to prevent rate limiting by API
Config 15.2 Beta 1
- A3D9-T1330 Hunter Douglas Power View 3 Support
- Supports Hunter Douglas Gen. 2 and Gen. 3
- New Analog Output TPos (0..100) for Shading Block
- A3D9-T1347: Ac Unit Controller: Added History
- DALI Extension: DALI2 support for DALI Extension with HW Id 4
- A3D9-T1337 OCPP Support for Remote Start/Stop Transactions
- A3D9-T1371 Setting icon for objects in periphery tree is now displayed instead of normal icon for better accessibility
- A3D9-T1250: Garage/Gate Central: Added “Partially Open” Input
- A3D9-T1336: Audioplayer: Added Bluetooth pairing output
- A3D9-T1335: Parameters can now be added as a Combo Box
- A3D9-T1335: Changed Parameters to Combo boxes in some blocks
- Gate controller Severity of system messages set to important so that a push will be sent
- Valve Actuator Tree: new default operation mode: “gentle mode”
- If activated, the valve actuator moves to 5% instead of 0% to reduce wear, with every 20th command it will still move to 0% to prevent drift.
- Disabling this mode reverts the actuator to its original behaviour, where 0% commands result in 0% movement.
- BG-I30796 NFC Code Touch Block: Deleting all entries is now possible
- BG-I30795 NFC Code Touch Block: CSV Template now uses the time formats of system locale
- Planning:
- Added new NFC Smart Cards
- Added context menu to Health Check to select items in periphery tree
- Cloud Services are reported as inactive when request fails
- Auto connect to Miniserver does not use addresses from project
- BG-I31336 Virtual HTTP input cant be fetched in config when using only a username and no password
- Settings of Alarm Siren Tamper input not correctly set for new devices
- Import of User cant parse NFC tag when it contains quotes
- Connection to Miniserver fails and no message is generated
- Analog Sensor not directly displayed as offline anymore after a Miniserver restart
- RC Key view dialog setting suggests editing
- Miele token timeouts resulting in a re-login
- NFC Codes stop working when updating from an older version
- BG-I31023 OCPP Wrong formatting in Description of server address setting
- BG-I30924: Fixed Config crash when creating Belimo Devices
- BG-I25014: Missing/invalid entries in Belimo Monitor
- BG-I31367 Gusts of weather service not working on client/gateway
- BG-I31350 Add of Miniserver to a Gateway does not preselect an external address
- BG-I27375 RS485 call command
- BG-I25234 RS485 does not receive more than 512 characters
- Row in Generic View (e.g. Miniserver search) shown as selected but not actually selected
- BG-I31297 Periphery tree jumps when editing an item
- BG-I31339 All Plugin actors (e.g. HomeConnect) are set on a reboot instead of only the used ones
- BG-I30868: Expert Mode: Users with direct access to control can’t select all available rooms
- BG-I31149: Permission Dialog shows wrong data after changing room of control
- BG-I30896: Automatic-Designer conditions for NFC-text outputs only triggered once
- BG-I30928: Energy Meter Tree: Add sensor-information to tree monitor
- BG-I31025 Virtual Input stayed red after changing Min/Max
- BG-I31142 Central Controls: ‘Off’ in combination with DisPc permanently blocks configured controls
- BG-I31196 Invalid or missing options for AC Unit Controller in automatic designer
- BG-I31144 Equal block ON because of rounding error
- BG-I30969 Too long control commands to a client may file (e.g. editing schedule block which is on a client)
- Older version cant be installed over newer version of Loxone Config
- BG-I20283 Online status not monitored system message gets shown
- BG-I30784 Monoflop getting stuck on On
- BG-I30815 New documents don’t have country set, resulting in wrong preselected air channels
- BG-I31100 Selection gets lost, when pasting multiple controls
- BG-I31036 fixed slightly mismatching font-size between App and Config in system schematic
- BG-I30976 ensuring that HTML entities are encoded to Unicode for display in MessageCenter
- BG-I31037 System Schematics: fixed handling for moving of items and scrolling of view by keyboard
- BG-I30382 Login with Loxone account in Config wasn’t possible if username/password contained ‘+’ sign
- A3D9-T1331 Improved some bugs with the auto positioning
- BG-I30786 Window Block not closing if Weather Protection input is on and miniserver restarts
- BG-I30854 Fetch of backup file list from devices fails occasionally
- Connection to Miniserver cant be established sometimes when connecting out of keychain
- Invalid Jsons when values are invalid
- Cloud Mailer continues to send emails despite quota already reached
- Plugin has high memory usage
- NCF Authentication: new authorization request sent when another authentication is in progress
- Wallbox: not all states sent to Plugin after reboot
- BG-I30183: DALI single actuator (not group) min dim level does not work as described
- BG-I29018: DALI 8 fade rate jump not working with daylight control
- BG-I28842: Dali lamp -> Online in the periphery tree Offline in the device status
- BG-I28606: Device Status Dali Devices shown as offline
- BG-I27520: Periphery Tree Dali Device shown with red dot
- BG-I25345: Human Centric Lighting Dali DT8 parameter Ft causes last manual change to get stuck
- BG-I25237: Dali offline device replace function
- BG-I30304: DALI groups not working on firmware
- BG-I29042: Dali Air does not send all commands
- BG-I31275 Wrong Master/Client count calculated
- BG-I31055 Energy Meter type for Wallbox Meter incorrect
- BG-I31191 Power usage of extensions does not match datasheets
- BG-I31251 Stereo Extension has a colour setting
- BG-I31377 Auto Save of project may interrupt opened dialogs
- BG-I31477 Config crash when opening Backup/Update dialog
- BG-I31391 Config crash
- Config crash when loading Touch Pure Flex configuration
- BG-I31360 Config crash when opening project
- Config crash when connecting to Miniserver via search
- Config crash when loading from Multiplicator Miniserver
- BG-I31099 Miniserver reboot when Dali group actor changes
- BG-I31099 Miniserver reboot when Dali group actor changes
- BG-I31056 Config crash when opening Multiplicator file with a deleted climate block
- AC Unit Controller Silent Mode overrides manual timer
- AC Unit Controller timer not properly remanent
- BG-I31459 Weatherserver does not have data anymore of previous hours (needed for weather data with absolute hour set)
- Learning per default disabled on IRC but room presets overwrite that preset
- BG-I31019 Flow Temperature Calculator not having a hysteresis for calculation with buffer temperature
- BG-I31223 Ac Control: do not cancel timers when ending silent mode
- BG-I31057 Fixed race condition in copying IRC data
- BG-I31198 Intelligent Room controller: allowed Range for Input ϑExc not documented
- BG-I31170 Mixing Valve Controller: improved description of Error-Output
- AC Unit controller now has a settings-state for the app, which enables the app to faster display the settings page
- AC Unit Controller: Silent Mode not working when set to Off and AC is controlled by IRC
- Text in IRC dialog cut off
- IRC is blinking when dragging an AC Control Air onto the page
- BG-I31312: Remove cyclic mode message to device
- BG-I31266: AC Control does not update IRC-Data after lock
- BG-I31369: Hvac controller triggers prepare phase without excess heating/cooling
- Intelligent Room controller: invalid target temperature when using excess heating/cooling in eco mode + Fahrenheit
- BG-I30203: Invalid calculated position when using Nano2Relay
- Gentle Mode for Valve Tree only active if user hasn’t manually increased force
- R20-T287 Dimmer Extension: Refactoring for better ZX Detection and more stable with ripple control signals
- Relaxed Extension update error system message
- Miniserver Compact Audio is shown as offline after a reboot
- Compact Audio not shown as rebooting directly after a restart
- BG-I31060 Setting “Automatic highpass-filter” not shown on Audioplayer when connecting Audioserver-Stereo-Output
- BG-I31101 Wrong resolved address of Audioserver sent to the App resulting in slow connection process
- Modbus Monitor shows device ID 0 when server is offline
- Select per default the Tree view in the Health Check
- Client shown as offline even if its back online again
- BG-I31007 Spot Price Optimizer Cv Output is now rounded at 3 decimal places
- The buffer target temperature offset ‘B’ now will be used as hysteresis
- If the actual buffer temperature rises above the buffer target temperature (AQf + B) the pump (Qp) will be activated
- If it falls below the target flow temperature (AQf) the pump will be deactivated again
- BG-I30937 Wallbox2 Mr output not incremented after Energy Meter Tree wasn’t used anymore and only Cp Input is connected
- BG-I30929 Energy Manager Output not being correctly displayed as Analog/Digital if Priorities are changed
- BG-I30989 Load Manager Settings are not updated when operating mode is changed
- Client Miniserver can be added
- BG-I31039 Trust search does not work externally
Project Planning
- BG-I30973 Master/Client not having a need for power
- Plugin has high memory usage
- NCF Authentication: new authorization request sent when another authentication is in progress
- not all states sent to Plugin after reboot
Loxone Config - Release Candidate
- BG-I31056 Config crash when opening Multiplicator file with a deleted climate block
- BG-I31099 Miniserver reboot when dali group actor changes
- AC Unit Controller: Silent Mode not working when set to Off and AC is controlled by IRC
- BG-I31101 Wrong resolved address of Audioserver sent to the App resulting in slow connection process
- BG-I31223 Ac Control: do not cancel timers when ending silent mode
- BG-I31057 Racecondition in copying IRC data causing Config crash
Config 15.1 Beta 4
- OCCP Server Connector (Beta)
- Connect your Wallbox to a OCPP Server
- OCPP 1.6 & 2.0.1 supported
- A3D9-T1310 Climate Controller new visualization
- API has been changed to match the API of the HVAC Controller
- A3D9-T1307 System variable for Expected Average Outdoor Temperature
- A3D9-T1301 Intelligent Room controller: Adapted handling of excess heating or cooling
- A3D9-T1302 AC Heating and Cooling Controller
- A3D9-T1303 AC Control Integration in Intelligent Room Controller
- Climate Controller: Possibility to use the outdoor temperature forecast instead of the past average
- HVAC Controller: Use of outdoor temperature can be changed (Average past or future 48h)
- Permission Selection Dialog: Automatically filter for objects used in visualization
- A3D9-T1316 Output Txlt of Door and Window Monitor now displays the same text as the visualization
- A3D9-T511 Added time function which gives the current week of the year
- A3D9-T1304 Energy Meter Tree is now configured to be a bidirectional meter by default
- AC Control: Output “Am”: Automatic mode is active
- A3D9-T1226 added usage references to operation mode tree entries
- Renaming of some Climate Blocks:
- Climate Controller -> Heating and Cooling Controller
- Intelligent Temperature Controller -> Flow Temperature Calculator
- BG-I30908 User Enabled From/Until timestamp can’t be set to midnight
- BG-I30729 Printing to A1 paper size not working
- Updated EEBUS Documentation (2.0.0)
- System Schematic Dialog: fixed mishandling of visualization item selection
- Operating mode references in document tree could be edited
- BG-I30404 LiveView didn’t show corrected values for some analogue-out types
- BG-I30850 client speaker search dialog didn’t show room and installation place of the searching device
- BG-I30782 Modbus devices lost room when saving in MS
- Air router functionality can be switched off for DALI Air devices
- BG-I30553 Sequential Controller: Variables missing in remanence
- Value Validator: remanence not restored
- BG-I30576 Sequence Controller: add support for Automatic Designer
- BG-I30575 Climate Controller dialog does not have table settings
- BG-I30686 Air Valve: No proper unit set for output
- BG-I30779 Intercom Search not possible when link is not used
- BG-I30693 Modbus TCP analogue actuator now also executes his command on restart when nothing is connected
- BG-I30717 fixed wrong text for end-search button in Intercommunication learn dialog
- BG-I30703 prev/next buttons in MessageCenter detail view now follow the same ordering like in the overview table
- BG-I30808 Opening context menu of multiple controls not working
- BG-I23395 Modbus Actor gets stuck and does not change anymore
- BG-I30830 Air device limit not correct when learning via dialog
- Power Supply & Backup: Online status Monitoring can’t be disabled
Devices & Extensions
- AC Control
- BG-I29991 Fixed leaving pairing mode
- BG-I29465 Removed cyclic Messages “Power: Ein, Fehler: Aus”
- Dali Air
- Fading time from the DALI Air Broadcast actor is not working when Standard actor is configured
- BG-I30756 Subwoofer not being recognized as master device
- BG-I30843 Intelligent Room Controller: changed allowed deviation in single comfort temperature mode to 1.5°
- Energy Management inputs of climate controllers hidden per default
- Connect dialog does not use full remote address
- BG-I30840 Reset of control does not work when it uses a control preset which is modified
- Changes are not loaded from Miniserver when its currently not in the reachable state
- Miniserver dialog now shows the version of the changes
Project Planning
- Childs of object created without a room, resulting in an error message when starting auto configuration
- BG-I30739 Config crash when starting Air diagnostics
- Config crash when trying to learn more than 128 Air devices
- Config crash when learning air device
- BG-I30716 Config crash when deleting automatic rule
- BG-I30826 Config crash after pasting controls
- BG-I30906 Config crash when creating a connection from the Authentication function block
- BG-I30897 Config crash when creating HVAC controller
Config 15.1 Beta 3
- A3D9-T990 System Schematics: extended functionality
- Support for text-only objects
- Possibility of fixed sized objects
- A3D9-T1282 Climate Controls: draw connection references for used energy sources
- A3D9-T1269 New Control: Binary Encoder
- A3D9-T1225 New Control: Dewpoint Calculator
- A3D9-T1223 New Control: Value Validation
- Intelligent Roomcontroller:
- A3D9-T1279 Add IO’s for CO2 & Humidity
- A3D9-T1280 Add Boost-output
- A3D9-T1281 New output “Os” for current temperature mode (Comfort, Eco, …)
- A3D9-T1277 Configurable single target temperature instead of separated heat/cool temperature
- Spot Price Optimizer:
- Support for UK 30-minute epex market
- Minutes since midnight for which the price is calculated now available in formula
- AC Control
- A3D9-T1299 Added silent mode input
- A3D9-T1300 Added options to set power on values for Fan speed, airflow-direction and target temperature which are set when switching off
- Wallbox:
- A3D9-T1306 Added output Ssp session started pulse
- BG-I29188 Touch Pure Flex Air+Tree: Added possibility to disable acoustic feedback
- A3D9-T1305 Added possibility to easily set log level on plugins
- Same as for Miniserver: select plugin in document tree and open Debug Monitor Settings dialog from Diagnostics tab
- Currently only Exosphere Plugin is supported, other Plugins will follow in the future once they are updated
- A3D9-T1208 Added Min/Max functionality to formula block
- A3D9-T1270 Added the opportunity to paste lines and/or columns from another spreadsheet into a generic table and to copy a whole line with a context menu in the vertical header
- BG-I30578 Added gold variants of some products
- A3D9-T1227 Added Intercommunication Monitor (LAN & Tree intercommunication)
- Project Planning
- A3D9-T1268 Added DMX devices
- A3D9-T1191 Added Option to plan Line Ins
- A3D9-T1286 Audio Central & Group Fix: Cs input
- Binary Decoder
- Values > 255 handled incorrectly (always all outputs enabled instead of relevant bits)
- Now supports up to 32-bit values
- BG-I30695 Custom System Message: Email notification is not always sent if severity is important or critical
- Connect to Miniserver fails when username or password contains special characters
- BG-I30672 Copying between projects does not recover central references
- BG-I30571 Function blocks not selected when being right clicking
- BG-I30558 Room and Category “do not use” set to not assigned when controls are copy pasted
- BG-I30532 Plugin IOs can’t be used accross Miniservers in a Client/Gateway system
- BG-I30334 API echo commands don’t work in all cases, depending on SPS order
- BG-I30664 Miniserver shortcut shown as not fully configured
- BG-I30605 AC Control has the wrong type set internally
- BG-I30671 Blinds not closing or opening completely when type is set to roller blinds
- BG-I30577 Added room and category in tooltip for central controlled blocks
- BG-I30572 Adjusted the delay when filtering in a generic view table and when a button is clicked the correspondent row is selected
- fixed incorrect column filter (for encrypted column) in Intercommunication monitor and learn-dialog
- BG-I27855 Setting a timespan for a user in Loxone Config across a daylight savings change sets wrong time
- Updated Table Lamp icon
- BG-I30593 Gateway/Client: Event registrations get lost causing unexpected behaviour in e.g. central blocks
- Names cannot be discovered on devices with new EEBUS configuration
- Added system message when EEBUS configuration changes and inputs can’t be subscribed anymore
- Plugin communication sped up
- BG-I30546 Fixed processing of text in sequence controller
- Table Lamp Air: Confusing names for Smart Actuators
- App Learning: Online status input does not have a name
- BG-I30254 fixed invalid view state in many Config tableviews when opening ComboBoxes consecutively
- BG-I24181 Miniserver and Miniserver Compact: Relays switching temporarily off when doing an update in some cases
- Manual Connect to Miniserver fails when username or password contains special characters
- BG-I30411 Energy Manager digital outputs can’t be inverted
- BG-I30352 Lines of connection references show wrong colour
- Miniserver closes websocket connection not correctly when user is blocked
- BG-I30406 KNX actors overridden via LiveView not reset when LiveView is stopped
- A3D9-T1147 Fixed difference of tooltip of connectors(directly on connector vs. in connection window)
- R20-T293 Ceiling Light Tree: Added interaction counter in learn dialog
- BG-I30347 Audio Device Search: devices cannot be replaced when maximum number of devices is reached
- Expert Mode cannot be loaded if user has no permitted rooms
- Link Diagnosis: no proper uptime directly after learning in device
Devices & Extensions
- BG-I27154 Tree Extension: LED state of Extension wrong after switching MS Compact Link to Tree
- BG-I25077 RGBW Dimmer Air
- Added follow up binary for status LED, fixed turning off/on of LED stripe when saving into MS
- Table Lamp Air
- BG-I29919 offline status led color
- BG-I30620 touch/usb loader communication error
- BG-I30622 battery status not matching led status ring
- XAL Light Air
- Motion detection after power on
- Nano IO
- Improved air communication handling (BG-I26173)
- Touch Air V2
- Improved communication handling, improved temperature sensor handling (BG-I30642)
- Touch Pure Flex Air
- BG-I29641, BG-I28232 improvements to touch in battery mode
- BG-I30424 Audioserver: invalid config json when using line-out on Audioplayer-Subwoofer-output
- BG-I30598 Lightcontroller: Off via API command is handled like a command from app and does not trigger reset output
- Intelligent Roomcontroller:
- A3D9-T1295 Reduced movement-time for Valve-standstill (Vs) to 10 seconds
- A3D9-T1296 Reduced number of valve-adaptions when using climate controller
- BG-I30325 Building protection switched off after reboot while input is active
- BG-I30455 Building protection activated in manual heating mode
- BG-I30378 Ventilation Block: intensity and alert message (reason) don’t match
- BG-I30418 Solar Controller wrong tank is selected when pump is already running
- BG-I30283 Automatic Shading: Sp goes On while the block is locked
- BG-I30264 Power Supply & Backup: Outputs go to 0 during device startup
- BG-I30402 Energy Meter Single phase + N: Name cannot be changed
- BG-I30288 Energy Flow Monitor: Statistic interval of rest node can not be changed, the interval of the efm will now be used
- BG-I30395 Wallbox Manager: charging would not start when minimum charging limit was set to 0 on Wallbox
- BG-I30226 Wallbox devices were missing in Modbus Monitor filter selection
Project Planning
- BG-I28947 Updated tax rate of CHF to 8.1% (new tax rate since 01.01.2024) and fixed display of tax percentage (removed rounding)
- Config crash when inserting Smoke Detector Air
- Config crash when loading defective program from Miniserver
- BG-I30714 Config crash when restoring control presets of light controller
- BG-I30670 Config crash while learning IR commands
Config 15.1 Beta 2
- A3D9-T1275 added system variable for highest active system status severity
- BG-I27513 Managed Tablets: Disable monitoring of battery level
- BG-I30332 Project Planning: PWM Channels for different rooms now share channels on RGBW Dimmers when using Tree RGBW Dimmer
- When using Compact or Air RGBW dimmers each room will still get an individual dimmer
- A3D9-T1245 Added support for weather/hazard warnings to weather server data
- BG-I25077 RGBW Dimmer Air: Allow disable of LED on RGBW Dimmer Air
- R20-T293 Presence Sensor Tree, Motion Sensor Tree, Room Sensor Tree: new blinking pattern (no blinking when learned in)
- A3D9-T1174 Full System Backup
- System Backup now incorporates backups from all eligible devices
- Backup Dialogs in Config will now perform System Backup by default
- Exo Backup: will now perform System Backup
- A3D9-T1253 added Command Recognition dialog (as used for HTTP VirtualIn) to Command Recognition block
- EEBUS: Support for new Vaillant Firmware versions
- BG-I30335 M-Bus device primary address not visible
- BG-I30279 Gate Controller: invalid state after reboot
- Control History shows room not assigned
- BG-I29807 Backup Window: Displayed date too short
- BG-I30265 Status Monitor: Some texts not translatable
- BG-I30295 System Variable Outside Temperature does not have full unit
- BG-I29793 Intercom displayed offline when there is a Tree to Air Bridge on the Tree
- BG-I30266 Missing translations in Monitor windows
- IN1-I960 Tree device at Intercom Tree shown offline
- BG-I30299 Tree Extension is not displayed in search result after saving to Miniserver
- Adapted default polling cycle for 1-Wire and sample time of Mixing Valve Controller
- Extension Learn Dialog: Always same Air channel is used for extensions
- BG-I30215 Miniserver shortcut not shown as unconfigured when trust member gets deleted
- Debug Monitor: Added CPU temperature (Supported for Miniserver Gen.2)
- Air: Command is sent to wrong device after a device has been unpaired
- BG-I30236 Learning Dialog: Identify learned device not sent after opening dialog with only one learned device
- BG-I29918 NFC Learn Dialog: User description was used in combo box selection instead of username
- BG-I29975 Project Validation: Wrong warning ‘Missing Object Connection’ when Hörmann Air is connected via API Connector
- BG-I28836 DNS caching of loxonecloud.com addresses
- Weather data not changed at the full hour
- Network Device search: Result can’t be added when there is a different device with the same IP
- BG-I30116 Users representing controls can be selected as user for plugins
- BG-I29924 Gateway/Client: Actors can’t be switched due to broken programs
- Disabled TLS renegotiations for TLSv1.2 and earlier
- BG-I29734 Virtual Output: Test command with redirects not working properly
- BG-I29867 HealthCheck Miniserver: check reachability of certificate server
- BG-I30115 Part list shows music extension instead of speakers
- BG-I30189 Access schedule empty after creating
- BG-I29896 Fixed replacing Air-Devices via app
- BG-I29053 Miniserver Compact: Update Samba to version 4.19.5 XSS validation for settings not working when injection is on first letter
- BG-I29942 SD Format Dialog: Wrong error message when formatting SD card for Miniserver compact and there is a newer firmware available
- BG-I28123 Home Connect: Slowed down initial requests to prevent rate limiting by API
- BG-I29913 New Users can’t see any system status messages
- BG-I29972 NFC Access doesn’t show proper name of Managed Tablet in history
- BG-I30014 Virtual Input changes to analogue when connected to lighting controller
- BG-I30037 Object (e.g. Virtual Input) does not get first free name since there is an input reference with the same name
- Network Device Learning: No port appended, when hostname cannot be resolved, and device is replaced
- BG-I29057 Window: Protection not executed when using Input TPos
- BG-I29977 Xal Light Air: incorrect reference name
- BG-I29745 User Management: Keycodes not applied on gateway-client
- Updated Matter Plugin (0.4.0) with Matter SDK 1.3
- BG-I29916 Modbus Monitor: Datatype for analogue sensor/actuator is empty
- BG-I28312 No data on Modbus counter connected to Wallbox tree
- BG-I29854 Statistic Dialog: Panning not working properly
- BG-I29822 Auto Configuration: Audio not available in some cases
- BG-I29863 Miniserver Gen.2 reuses old DNS resolves in some cases
- BG-I29573 Auto Update can’t be downloaded
- NFC does not stop learn mode if no stop command is received from app
Devices & Extensions
- Smoke Detector Air
- BG-I29917 Missing Alive Packets
- BG-I28426 going offline regularly
- BG-I24136 Low battery warning too late
- AC Control Air
- AS1-T265 supports new Gree Protocol
- BG-I25269 Air/Spi Watchdog Resets fixed
- AS1-T310 enable new vane positions 1-5 for Gree
- Nano Dimmer Air
- BG-I8681 implemented check of zero crossing in self-test
- Touch module: touch timeout increased to 15 minutes
- RGBW Dimmer Air
- BG-I24397 Calculation of colour temperature and brightness is now linear. Brightness is more consistent
- Touch Air
- Increased touch timeout to 15 minutes
- BG-I28671 Increased power consumption because of false wakeups
- Window Handle Air
- BG-I29901 High Standby Current
- Presence Sensor Tree
- BG-I29133 Always reports movement after power on reset
- BG-I29893 Music Server: Doorbell event from Door controller not forwarded to Music Zone
- BG-I29999 Music Server: Audio output disappears after separating the stereo outputs
- Music Server: Group-Options not sent
- BG-I29900 Audioserver does not know set unit for temperature
- BG-I30162 Central Music: History Entries on Player not consistent when using multiple Audioservers
- A3D9-T1188 Audioserver min version system message was triggered incorrectly for Audioservers on older, yet unsupported versions
- Audio Player: Don’t trigger play of custom sound when text is empty
- BG-I30004 Intelligent Room controller: Excess Heating from Climate Controller applied in cooling mode
- BG-I29190 Automatic Jalousie: incorrect positions after move commands
- Invalid deadtimes used after small adjustments with Up/Dw
- Dead times not properly calculated to actual positions
- Invalid calculated position when using shade command
- BG-I29872 Roof Window Shading: Active automatic not ended with window or protection
- BG-I30293 Shading Block do a full drive with Po or Pc
- BG-I30211 Wallbox: output Cp not set when Energy Meter Tree is connected via API Connector in some cases
- Energy Manager: Does not show as unconfigured when Grid power is not connected
- Wallbox Manager: Strand power not correctly reduced when Wallbox is activated
- BG-I30087 Trust User Transfer fails when user has the same name as a user representing a control
- Trust error message when serial of Miniserver is changed always shows hint for member and for manager
- Additional descriptions for Trust settings
- Don’t save Multiplicator Password when saving project
- BG-I30336 Multiplicator: Miniserver version downgrade possible
- BG-I30234 Multiplicator: Config locks up when resetting object to Multiplicator default
Project Planning
- BG-I29881 PWM Spot created as Smart Actuator
- BG-I29889 Lightgroups not created with proper name
- BG-I29857 Added AC control Sinclair (100587)
- BG-I29985 Error message when adding Install Sub 10 Clients
- BG-I30019 Some countries have wrong audio preselection
- Weather Station is set as source for sunshine system variable
- Config crash when loading broken file from Miniserver
- BG-I29440 Random Config crashes due to windows ui automation
- BG-I29974 Config crash when editing rooms/categories while loading from Miniserver
- Miniserver reboot when config is disconnected
- Miniserver reboot when saving remanence of energy meter
- BG-I30043 Miniserver reboot when having an unreferenced Audio Player with logic connected
- BG-I30239 Config crash when inserting Belimo device
- BG-I30276 Config crash when deleting devices while air diagnosis is opened
Config 15.1 Beta 1
- BG-I29738 HTTP Virtual Input Command Recognition dialog failed when URL contained escaped slashes
- BG-I29763 Audio Server HealthCheck: improved readability of results
- BG-I29733 Message center: links in messages couldn’t be opened in all cases
- Exosphere: workaround for automatic logout from Exosphere (until server issue is fixed)
- BG-I29761 added word wrap of text labels in Audio Server HealthCheck
- BG-I29723 Actively communicating Tree-Extension shown as offline
- BG-I29633 Status: Wrong result when text conditions were used with only analogue input connected
- BG-I29642 Modbus: Sensor Limit for Modbus Extension not correctly calculated
- BG-I29639 System Status: Not all system messages hidden when “Hide System status messages” was enabled
- BG-I29