Aktualizacja: Audioserver Loxone i aplikacja 11.2.1
Od dzisiaj jest dostępna bezpłatna aktualizacja oprogramowania dla Audioservera i aplikacji 11.2.1 Loxone. Aktualizacja zawiera poprawki błędów, które poprawiają stabilność i działanie Audioservera. Wszystkie szczegóły techniczne obu wersji oprogramowania można znaleźć w naszym dzienniku zmian.
Audioserver Loxone
Aktualizacji można łatwo i wygodnie dokonać w aplikacji Loxone lub w interfejsie internetowym Audioservera.
Aktualizacje offline:
Jeśli nie posiadasz aktywnego połączenia internetowego dla swojego Audioservera, możesz zaimportować plik UDP przez udostępnianie w sieci. W systemie Windows można uzyskać dostęp do tej struktury folderów, wprowadzając adres IP lub nazwę hosta na pasku Windows Explorer przy użyciu następującego formatu:
IP-Audioserver lub hostname
Następnie skopiuj plik do folderu „Updates”. Wkrótce po tym aktualizacja zostanie zainstalowana automatycznie. Audioserver uruchomi się ponownie i uruchomi wersję beta.
Changelog Audioserver
- NAS Access: fallback to/with Samba Version 2.1
(delete and insert again your credentials for your NAS, if you got any previous mount problems)
- AUDIO1-I1135 Bootmodus LAN CABLE CHECK Check
- AUDIO1-I1077 Boot after Update
- AUDIO1-I1083 fixed Playstate for Extensions when booting and presence is already on = play
- AUDIO1-I1103 reconnect websockets after services restarted, fixes webadmin „restart services“
- AUDIO1-I1085 Systemmessage for offline favorites library titles
- AUDIO1-I857 transition between speaker types
- AUDIO1-I775 Authentication of Clients on a client/gateway „Client“
- AUDIO1-I1023 respond on setname with urlencoded command
- AUDIO1-I994 display name for system status messages
- AUDIO1-I868 Blinkstate after setconfig
- AUDIO1-I762 avoid updating other spotify paused players when playing
- AUDIO1-I793 fix spotify pause between tracks
- AUDIO1-I994 systemerrors show real affected name if configured
- AUDIO1-I944 fix mastervolume update
- AUDIO1-I1137 roomfav play spotify / library
- AUDIO1-I1082 Initial Installation
- AUDIO1-I1013 Presence play after reboot
- AUDIO1-I1203 Spotify Roomfav Playlist, play from queue
- AUDIO-I1210 Mastervolume
- AUIDO-I1158 NAS folder sync
- AUDIO-I686 fix playback and identify sound parallel
- AUDIO-I1058 fix spotify show reconnect dialog when de-authorize in Spotify
- AUDIO-I1165 fix detaching paused players from groups
- AUDIO-I1147 remove cache of spotify playlists after editing (out of sync)
- AUDIO-I1108 fix crash in spotifyd in certain cases
- AUDIO-I1114 fix adding browsable object to spotify playlist
- AUDIO-I548 fix identify blink from learningmode took up to 3s
- Spotify chunked retrieval of large playlists
- fixed memory leaks
- Changed NAS file caching: speeded up accessing network files
- AUDIO1-I1155 NAS No Cover
- AUDIO1-I1139 App Audiozone-Library Updates
- AUDIO1-I1054 Queueordering Spotify
Loxone App 11.2.1
Wymagania systemowe:
- Android w wersji 6 lub nowszej
- iPhone/iPad z systemem iOS 13 lub nowszym (starsze wersje pozostają w wersji 11.0)
- AppleWatch z systemem watchOS 6 lub nowszym
- macOS z systemem OS X El Capitan (OS X 10.11) do macOS Catalina
Changelog App 11.2.1:
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1098: At least one Favorite is Mandatory, so the app prohibits to delete the last favorite
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I894: More detailed information is shown when re-scanning the library
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I711: Will show if the Audio player is currently reset
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1001: Play/Pause button now always triggers a shuffled play in the big cell with the cover as background
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1166: Better visualisation what directory is re-scanned
- Eco-Screen: R12-T391: Increased weather symbol and temperature size
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1248: Couldn’t open player on macOS, Windows and Webinterface if the
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1236: App did not correctly destroy previously shown overView Screens (Spotify, Playlists and Internetradio) which resulted in requesting content too many times
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1226: Better Offline description that matches both the Audioserver and its Extensions
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1242: Occasional loading when deleting a favorite
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1240: Quickly editing the Queue won’t result in a stuck screen or corrupt UI
- Audioserer: AUDIO1-I1241: Prevent iOS 13 from making an announcement via an external connection due to a browser bug
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1200: Couldn’t request local playlist content via search
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1193: Announcement may not work within the same network
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1220: Fixed wrong sorting order of library content
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1225: Couldn’t edit NAS settings
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1198: Fixed misaligned fav button ripple in the Playlist Screen
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1187: App Stuck in loading when opening a Playlist and quickly close and reopen the app
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1205: Was able to input favorite ID 0 although 0 is not valid
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1194: Wrong favorite was played via context menu
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1201: Could remove all menu options
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1131, AUDIO1-I1202, AUDIO1-I953: Sorting and enabling of menu items may not be adopted
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1197: Renaming a playlist did not adopt the section header accordingly
- Audioserver: Correct error handling when the recording upload fails
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1176: Added music to a playlist may not be visible
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1189: Not loading views after jumping from Radio screen into spotify or playlists screen
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1188: Framedrops /Stutter when entering NAS credentials
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1123: Quick Flicker when closing and reopening the App with an active VolumeOverlay
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1115: Favorites edit screen may not show the correct fallback cover if no cover is available
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1043: Announcement in combination with fixed group did not work
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1170: Queue may not load
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1159: Master volume of Fixed group did not work as expected
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1116: Playlist may not disappear after deleting it
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1055: Path property of NAS shares is mandatory now
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1130: Frozen UI when opening the library settings screen (happened rarely)
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1018, AUDIO1-I985: Hardware Volume Buttons on Android did not control the
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I967, AUDIO1-I961, AUDIO1-I974: App freezes when viewing long playlists
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1118: Couldn’t delete favorite after changing it’s ID
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1138: Line in Favorite couldn’t be removed from players context menu
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I934: Quicker way to create playlists if no Spotify account is available
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I986: Cutoff control name if system state message is shown
- Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1104, AUDIO1-I1150, AUDIO1-I1157: Duplicate content in Library screen
- Audioserver: Jumped back to the start of a vertical scrollable list
- Audioserver: Fixed disappearing Library menu option
- Audioserver: Fixed occasional duplicate content in library
- Audioservers Volume if the Audio Player is currently opened
- Audioserver: Play and Shuffled Play of Playlist may send the command multiple times
- Audioserver: Playlists couldn’t be saved as Favorites
- Announcement menu option was the only chosen entry to be shown
- Audioserver: Fixed poor performance when switching between menu options on HD devices
- EcoScreen: AUDIO1-I1063: EcoPlayer couldn’t set master volume
- Touch & Grill: R12-T443: Flickering view on Mac when timer is active.
- Taskrecorder: R12-I124: Fixed Taskrecorder not clickable
- Android devices running 6 or later
- iPhone/iPad running iOS 13 or later (older versions stay on version 11.0)
- AppleWatch running watchOS 6 or later
- macOS running Version OS X El Capitan (OS X 10.11) up to macOS Catalina.