5 Reasons to Say ‘I Do’ to iButtons
iButtons are fast becoming the smart device of choice for creating wireless entry systems that offer flexible access rights, but keeps things simple for the user. In this blog, we are looking at a few of the reasons why you should consider iButtons as part of your smart home set up.
“R U @ home yet?”
Long working hours in Britain often mean that your children arrive home from school long before you do. Often, there’s no way of knowing that your children have arrived home safely. How many times have you heard the following excuses: “I forgot to text you” or “my phone died”? Why not enlist the help of an iButton reader, and save yourself the worry. One touch of your child’s iButton on the reader can let them in, disarm the burglar alarm and let you know they’re home via a text or phone call from the Miniserver.
You can restrict access to certain rooms, like the lounge or playroom, to prevent any would-be procrastinators from avoiding their homework, or even certain cupboards in the kitchen, to be sure they don’t spoil their appetite for dinner by raiding the snack cupboard.
No more unexpected visitors
iButtons can be used in a multiplicity of ways; however, controlling access is one of the most popular. Whether it’s letting your dog walker in, or keeping your sofa-surfing student brother out, by integrating your iButton reader with Loxone config, you can change access permissions to your home at any time, or set them to be active at specific times during the day.
Say hello to Saturday morning lie-ins
If you run a small shop and receive deliveries at the weekend, why not stay in bed with a cup of tea instead of traipsing down to open the stock room? You can grant your suppliers access to just your stock room or warehouse, track when they arrive, how long they stay and when they leave.
Clocking in, the smart way
iButton readers are great for offices too- we use them in many of our Loxone offices. Just imagine, when the first person arrives at your office, the lights and music are activated, and, more importantly, the coffee machine starts firing up. You can see when each employee arrives, control access so that staff can only enter rooms they need to use, and monitor stock levels for snacks and drinks.
Making it Personal
Let’s be honest, how many times in your life have you asked yourself (or your exasperated family members) where your car keys are? Too many? Time for magnetic iButtons! When you arrive home, place your iButton on the reader panel next to the front door, and enjoy complete peace of mind. Not only that, but you can also enjoy coming home to your favourite music and lighting scene, activated the moment you ‘hang up’ your keys.
What do I need?
Before you embark on your journey to iButton bliss, you’ll need a few things. The first item on your list should, of course, be a Miniserver, closely followed by:
- A Loxone 1-Wire extension. The 1-Wire Extension is connected to the Miniserver and allows you to control the functions of your electronic key (iButton) reader
- An electronic key reader to connected to the 1-Wire extension- this can be either built into the wall, mounted on a panel next to the front door, or you could even construct your own custom housing to suit the style of your home.
- If you plan to use your iButtons for access control, you’ll also need an electronic lock. This can be operated by a relay-output either directly from the Miniserver or by a wireless actuator.
- The piece de resistance: an electronic key, or iButton. Once placed on the reader, it sends a signal to the Miniserver to grant access and activate specific functions.
Top Tip: Don’t forget to download the latest version of Loxone Config! Seamlessly integrate your iButton system with the Miniserver and be up and running in mere minutes.
Remember: you can find more about how to wire the 1-Wire extension in the documentation