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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: Loxone ConfigStatus Text output Color
3 years ago
Status Text output Color

Hi, is possible to change color of text output from Status block depending on condition?


2 Answers
3 years ago

Not as far as I’m aware – but you could use symbols to differentiate and potentially even load your own symbols for specific conditions.

3 years ago

Yes, I did load my symbols, that is not an issue, but change the color of text – the same generic Loxone Input done, If it is ON it turns Green if it OFF turns Grey, or any color operator choose.

3 years ago

As far as I’m aware no but I could be proven wrong. It’s a great suggestion for future updates though – we would certainly make use of it.

3 years ago


I’m afraid that change of status text inside a status block is not supported. If you would like to provide a feature request please email Loxone support in your country with your usecase for the feature.

