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Loxone Support CommunityCategory: Planning3-speed ceiling fan control
3 years ago
3-speed ceiling fan control


Can somebody give me an advice how I can cotrol a 3 speed ceiling fan with a Touch Tree. I want to use Loxone Switch standard (tap switch 1 or 4 to speed up/down) the fan. Is there any special consideration when to buy fans ? I guess I know how to do it in LOXONE config. I rather need some support in purchasing the right type of ceiling fans.

1 Answers
3 years ago

Hi Bruno,

Generally need a bit more info to spec fans, like the type of room, size, natural ventilation – from this you can specify extract rates required and then spec the fan from there. I’ve seen some two speed domestic inline fans in the past but never a three speed – whats the requirement for the 3 speeds?


3 years ago

I build my house in SW-Florida (Ft. Myers). All bedrooms, living room and the covered outdoor dining/living have ceiling fans. This is pretty much standard in SW-Florida.
Bedrooms have an area of of between 170 and 220 sft with 10 ft ceiling.
Living and outdoor dining have appr. 200sft each with 12 feet ceiling and so does indoor living with 400 sft area.
I understand the dimensioning of ceiling fan and am only interested in operating/controlling a fan with T5 touch standard or Remote Air and not through Alexa, Siri or the proprietary remote control of fan manufacturer.

Typical samples which are often used in the region:
https://www.bigassfans.com/for-home/ (several airflow settings)
sually they have a remote or remote and wall switch to control fan speed and if integrated a light.
There is a wide variety of fans like this most with 3-speed motors. The controls use a capacitor or resistor to select the speed. I did not found a way how to circumvent the resistor or capacitor to control speed with T5.

3 years ago

Ahh i see. Forgive me I read the unit as being an ext.fan.

So the first example (Big ass Fans) seems most of the units have an optional 0-10v input for speed control so that’s an option with an analogue output and a dimmer block linked to the T5 switch.

Anything with a remote I’d be looking to firstly see if it’s an IR remote and using some sort of IR control or re-purposing the remotes buttons through relay outputs to mimic the speed functions.

Unfortunately unless it’s a really dumbed down version of these you might struggle to do anything with capacitance to control speed.


3 years ago

This is exactly what I was suspecting. I end up with simply selecting the most dumbed version of control and do it with relais outputs.

Thanks again, Bruno

3 years ago

No problem Bruno, radio button would work nicely to cycle through speed controls on say top left and then all off on bottom left.

Good luck! Joe.